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Exploring the Impact of FBCLID on Digital Analytics

Vishnu Satis
January 4, 2024
Uncover the impact of FBCLID on digital analytics and learn how to manage its effects in Google Analytics for clearer, more accurate data insights.
Digital collage of a Facebook link leading to a cluttered analytics dashboard, symbolizing FBCLID's impact on data analysis

In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, understanding the nuances of data collection and analysis is crucial for making informed decisions. FBCLID, a parameter appended to URLs by Facebook, has emerged as a topic of debate among digital marketers, raising concerns about its impact on analytics data. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of FBCLID, its role in tracking, and the implications for Google Analytics.

What is FBCLID?

FBCLID, or Facebook Click Identifier, is a unique parameter that Facebook attaches to URLs when users click on links from its platform. This identifier serves as a tracking mechanism, enabling Facebook to attribute traffic from its site to specific websites. While this data can be valuable for Facebook's own advertising purposes, it can also introduce clutter and potential inaccuracies into Google Analytics data.

How Does FBCLID Work?

When a user clicks on a link from Facebook, FBCLID is appended to the URL. This parameter is then passed along through various redirects until the user reaches the destination website. Upon landing on the website, the FBCLID is stored in a browser cookie, allowing Facebook to track the user's activity and attribute it to the original Facebook click.

Effects of FBCLID in Google Analytics

FBCLID's presence in Google Analytics data can have several implications:

Data Clutter:

FBCLID entries can clutter Google Analytics reports, making it challenging to extract meaningful insights. The sheer volume of FBCLID parameters can obscure other valuable data points.

Potential Inaccuracies:

FBCLID can introduce inaccuracies into Google Analytics data, particularly when users clear their browser cookies. This can lead to discrepancies between Facebook's attribution data and Google Analytics data.

Should You Remove FBCLID from Google Analytics?

The decision to remove FBCLID from Google Analytics depends on several factors:

Impact on Analytics Goals:

If your primary goal is to track overall website traffic and user behavior, removing FBCLID may not be necessary. However, if you rely heavily on Facebook traffic data, removing FBCLID could lead to incomplete or inaccurate insights.

Technical Expertise:

Removing FBCLID requires some technical expertise, as it involves modifying Google Analytics tracking code. If you are not comfortable with such modifications, it is advisable to consult a digital marketing expert.

How to Remove FBCLID

Google Analytics 3 (GA3):

  • Go to your Google Analytics admin page.
  • Select the property for which you want to remove FBCLID.
  • Under "Tracking Info," click "Data Collection."
  • Under "User-ID," enable "Override the user ID from URL parameter."
  • In the "Override User ID" field, enter "fbclid."
  • Click "Save."

Google Analytics 4 (GA4):

  • Go to your Google Analytics 4 admin page.
  • Select the property for which you want to remove FBCLID.
  • Under "Data Streams," select the relevant data stream.
  • Under "Advanced Measurement," enable "Remove User-ID from URL."
  • Click "Save."


FBCLID plays a significant role in Facebook's advertising efforts, but its impact on Google Analytics data should be carefully considered. While it can provide valuable insights into Facebook traffic, it can also introduce data clutter and potential inaccuracies. The decision to remove FBCLID depends on your specific analytics goals and technical expertise.

If you are unsure about the implications of FBCLID or need assistance with removing it, seeking guidance from a digital marketing expert is recommended. Their expertise can help you make informed decisions that optimize your analytics data and enhance your digital marketing efforts.

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